Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baekjae Festival in Gongju

Yesterday was a REALLY good day! It started out horribly because I was tired, and then there must have been a communication error and the vice-principal didn't pick me up!
But I had a good time at school. I didn't have to play in the volleyball tournament, but I helped out with setting up the food and taking down. Everyone was really impressed with me because I continued serving the whole time, and then when it was time to take everything down, I just
kept working, lifting tables and chairs. The principal of the Yugu middle school was really impressed with me and talked with my principal about what a good English teacher I am. And then the principal and vice-principal kept saying thank you, and telling me "Good woman! Sweet woman!"

The students were so helpful with setting up! Too bad they had already gone home by the time we needed to take everything down.

All the female teachers were trying to help out! We ended up eating a lot of the food beforehand. ^^
Waiting outside to carry more food to the table.
All of the visiting teachers eating after playing volleyball. The person in the front is Misun, the 2nd grade teacher. She really likes to joke with me.

Our food after we finished everything!

WOW! That's all I can say for the musical I saw on Tuesday night. It was SO good! Even though I couldn't understand a lot of the words, I understood the meaning. It was so cool. They had a lot of fireworks and water fountains worked into the dancing. And there was a really amazing 3-D dragon that appeared in the water spray! The story was about King Muryeong, one of the most important of the 5 Baekjae kings. I don't know WHY he was important though.

Fight scene between the Baekjae kindgom and I think the Goguryeo kingdom.
Close to the end of the musical.

Today, I went to the festival with my entire school. It was a lot of fun, but I'm worn-out. One of my 4th grade students has a huge crush on me. He was constantly holding my hand, and he got mad when any other kids tried holding my hand. He even tried kissing my hand. That was awkward. It's such a common habit for me to do to people I love that I didn't even think about it as weird until another kid saw it and yelled "GROSS!" He's a sweet kid, and he really likes English class, but he's not good at English. So I guess he likes it because he gets to see me?

There were a lot of other schools at the festival today so I had so many children saying "Hello, English teacher!" I heard one student say "Yankee, go home" but I just turned and walked away. I really don't think the kid knew what he was saying. At least, I HOPE he didn't understand.

AND I saved the day! At least for just a little bit. After lunch, everyone was going back to the bus, but the 1st graders didn't move. I noticed they were all standing together, and the teacher wasn't there, so I stayed with them. They said their teacher went to the bathroom, so I said we should go to the bus, but they just said "Teacher, STOP!" So we waited. And waited. Eventually, I called my mentor teacher and said I was with the 1st graders, but the teacher wasn't there. She had gone to the bathroom, but assumed her kids went to the bus, so she went there. They were all frantically looking for the 1st graders, so they were SO happy that I had stayed behind with them.

2nd grade class. Only 5 students.

6th grade class. Only 6 students.

Students all getting snack food before lunch.
Most of the school is in this picture, eating lunch.
(Remember, you can click on the pictures to see a larger version)


  1. Kayla
    Is this your second year there! My how time flies. And how is the tooth?
    Stan Hughes

  2. Not quite the second year. I returned to America for six months to finish up most of my college, and then returned because I missed it so much. I'm having much more fun this time because I have a better idea of what to expect and what I want to do.

    Still no dentist visit yet, but it's feeling better. I think I might have bruised my gum (is that possible?) and that was why it was hurting so badly. It doesn't hurt when I touch it anymore, so that's good!
